When you wash your dishes after you eat, you know the harder you scrub, the cleaner your plate becomes. Scrubbing a stain out of your jeans works out much the same way; the harder you scrub the stain, the easier it is to remove it. While scrubbing hard works well for materials or dishes, it is not the best way to clean your teeth. Here is some information about why using a harder toothbrush is not the best for your dental health.
About Your Tooth Enamel
Your tooth is made of several layers. The layer in the middle of your tooth is the only part of your tooth that is soft. The soft part of your tooth is called the tooth pulp, which is where the nerves, tooth roots, and blood vessels are located. A layer called the dentin covers the pulp. The dentin layer is hard and is yellow or beige in color. Over the pulp and dentin layers is the hardest layer of your tooth, which is called tooth enamel. Your tooth enamel is the hardest substance your body makes.
Although tooth enamel is very hard, it can be weakened by acids, such as those present in the bacteria that cause tooth decay. You can also weaken your tooth enamel in other ways. Overbrushing your teeth or brushing too hard can cause your enamel to weaken. When your enamel is weaker, it makes it more difficult for your tooth to fight cavities. Weaker enamel can also cause your teeth to split, break, or chip.
How Can I Tell If I Am Overbrushing or Using a Toothbrush That Is Too Hard?
If you are worried that you are overbrushing, here are some signals you can look for. First, if you notice blood when you brush your teeth, you may be brushing too hard or using a toothbrush that is too hard. Also, if you are using a toothbrush that is too hard for your teeth, you may notice your gums are irritated, and your tooth enamel by your gumline may look beige or yellow.
Not sure if your toothbrush is too hard or if you are overbrushing? Contact us today, and we will make you an appointment with our dentist.
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