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Richmond, VA

Woman holding jaw due to TMJ pain which can be remedied at Riverwind Dental in Richmond, VAAn injury to your jaw or facial muscles is the leading cause of temporomandibular disorders (TMD).

Temporomandibular joint disorders are characterized by pain in your jaw; and we urge you to visit us at Riverwind Dental for dental procedures that remedy this problem.

Your temporomandibular joints are the muscles and joints that link up your jaw to your skull. These muscles and joints allow you to perform various oral functions like chewing, speaking, and yawning.

These joints and muscles are located on both sides of your face, and if they are affected, it can lead to temporomandibular disorders. Temporomandibular disorders are characterized by pain in both the joints and muscles that regulate the movement of your jaw.

Our dental specialists typically examine your jaw and facial muscles to determine whether you have a temporomandibular disorder. Although it can affect anyone, high-risk people are usually between ages 20 and 40, and women are more affected than men.

What Causes Temporomandibular Disorders?

There are many causes of this condition, and to mitigate damage, you have to seek treatment as soon as the first symptom appears. The following are some of the causes of temporomandibular disorders.

Physical Injury

There are any number of ways to injure your jaw. It could be a road accident, a blow to the side of your face, or engaging in rough contact sports. But once a heavy force is unloaded onto your jaw, it could distort your muscle and jaw alignment, leading to TMD.

Teeth Grinding

If you tend to grind your teeth while you sleep, you are also at risk of developing temporomandibular disorders. Teeth grinding usually exert strain on your jaw and muscles and this can trigger the condition.


If you have arthritis you have a high risk of developing temporomandibular disorders. This disease can damage the cartilages of your jaw joint, thus making you vulnerable to temporomandibular disorders.

Disk Dislocation

Every temporomandibular joint has a disc between the socket and ball, but if the disc is dislocated, it can cause the development of a temporomandibular disorder.

How Do I Know I Have Temporomandibular Disorder?

Our dental professionals perform different exams to diagnose this condition, but the following are some of the signs of temporomandibular disorders.

Jaw Pain

If you have a temporomandibular disorder, it means that your jaw muscles and joints are not in harmony, and it causes pain. However, don’t always assume that you have TMD because you feel pain around your jaw.

Stiff Jaw

If you have a difficult time moving your jaw, it could be due to the disruption of the muscles and joints located in your jaw. You may develop a stiff jaw because of a poor sleeping position or facial injuries.

Teeth Misalignment

Your jaw joints and muscles play a critical role in keeping your upper and lower teeth in alignment. However, if you notice that your upper teeth and lower teeth are misaligned, that could be a sign of a temporomandibular disorder.

If the muscles and joints of your jaws are aching because of temporomandibular disorders, it can disrupt your life in many ways. Visit us at Riverwind Dental for a quick and effective remedy. You can contact us at (804) 280-0853.
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TMJ | Riverwind Dental |Richmond, VA
Suffering from jaw pain? Riverwind Dental in Richmond, VA, offers effective TMJ treatment to relieve discomfort and restore jaw function. Schedule your appointment today!
Riverwind Dental, 2821 N Parham Rd #102, Richmond, VA 23294 \ (804) 280-0853 \ \ 3/7/2025 \ Associated Words: Cosmetic Dentist Richmond Va \